Saturday, April 5, 2008

Students, Foundation take center stage on Day Two of the ASCT Annual Conference

Today was another great day at the conference. After the ASCT Services gathering at breakfast this morning, Dr. Ed Cibas gave a presentation on the NCI Thyroid conference, which was followed by our student case presentations and awards banquet. Our new President-Elect, Don Simpson, promises me that he will have pictures to post of these events in the next couple days.

I have always been proud of the way the ASCT supports our cytotechnology students. With the help of the ASCT Foundation, we offer reduced registration rates for this conference and provide the monetary awards for the student case presentations. We will continue to find new ways to support cytotechnology students, with the hope that they in turn support us as members in the future. If you have any great ideas, please let me know!

It has been a long day for me... after a very busy conference a few of us gathered to watch the NCAA Final Four BB games. For those of you who saw my bracket this morning at the opening of the meeting: Memphis won, but UNC lost, which means I am no longer in the running to win my office pool. :( Oh well, there is always next year!

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